Meat Free Monday – Beans, Greens and Rice

The sun makes me a much better person. After a long and miserable winter, Spring has a lot to answer for here, with nonstop dreary overcast skies, rain and unexpected cold snaps. Honestly, at one point last week I had to stop and remind myself that we are coming into summer here, not winter.
Finally today though, sun glorious sun!
As well as feeling happier in general, I got so much done today. Four loads of washing, washed, dried and folded, the house cleaned and vacuumed while the kids happily played outside, took the kids for a ride on their bikes, watered the garden, went for a well needed walk, alone, I might add! Just what the doctor ordered.
And of course, I cooked dinner… I was speaking to a friend the other day, (a mother of three boys and a hungry husband) who is trying to introduce at least one meat free meal per week. But she says she struggles to fill her men up and finds them sniffing around the kitchen after dinner. I recommend including a good source of protein via eggs or legumes and adding fat to satiate that appetite like olive oil, avocado, cheese, butter etc…
This dish keeps my menfolk full and happy 🙂

2 garlic cloves, fined chopped or minced
1/2 red onion, finely diced
1 capsicum (pepper) or 1/2 each of two colours. (I used 1/2 red, 1/2 yellow)
1 zucchini, diced
1 can organic cannelini beans, rinsed
1 jar organic passata (or two tins diced tomatoes)
1 teaspoon dried Italian herbs
2 cups cooked brown rice
2 cups baby spinach
Fresh leafy herbs to serve such as basil, or parsley
Sea salt and cracked pepper to taste (I use pink Himalayan salt)
1- 2 tbs Extra virgin olive oil*

*Note:I used garlic and rosemary infused olive oil. You can find the recipe for this on my Facebook Page in November 2013.


Here’s How:

Sauté your vegetables in the olive oil on a medium – high heat until slightly softened

Add passata, salt, pepper and dried herbs and turn heat up to high

Bring to a boil then reduce heat to medium- low and simmer for about 10-15 minutes.

Add beans and cooked rice and heat through.

Stir through baby spinach and turn off heat immediately.

Serve topped with fresh herbs and grated cheese if you wish.

Enjoy 🙂

4 thoughts on “Meat Free Monday – Beans, Greens and Rice

  1. Pingback: I Cooked: Beans, Greens and Rice | Basically I'm Complicated

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