Morning Madness Made Over – Create an ACTION STATION!

Tonight, the winter holidays and our family break comes to an end and we will be back to a frosty reality tomorrow morning. Hubby has had three weeks off work and being cold and wintery, we haven’t done a lot, but rather simply enjoyed spending time at home together. We celebrated our little one’s 5th birthday and caught up with my sisters’ family, down from Sydney for the school holidays and spent a weekend with C’s family. Other than that though, we’ve just relaxed and enjoyed slowing down a bit. The kids stuck to their father like glue which was in some ways a bit sad for me. My babies are now little boys learning how to be men and not very interested in hanging out with mum when dad’s around. (Especially as he was a bit of a novelty I suppose.) On the other hand, it was so lovely to get a break, sleeping in and spending some time on my own for a change.
Tomorrow morning however, the madness of getting the kids fed, dressed and out the door for an 8.30am kinder start, begins again.
In fact, term three starts for most kids tomorrow so I thought I would share my secret weapon: our “Action Station.” (Pictured above)
Each family member has a box on the top row for their bag, hat, and scarf and below it, a box for their shoes. My DIY key hooks mean never doing the mad key hunt and the silver bowl holds bits and pieces like phones, wallets and sunglasses. Having everything in one central spot is an easy way for me to pack everyones’ bags and lunches and the kids know exactly wear to find their boots and hats etc… To get themselves organized quickly.
The storage cubes were just cheap from Aldi, the frames for the keys were from target, and the hooks and wooden letters were from Bunnings.
I also lay the kids clothes out on the couch, make lunches the night before and put breakfast stuff out on the bench so everything is ready to go without requiring too much thinking.
And that’s how I make our mornings manageable, how about you? Would love to hear your tips and tricks!


*Don’t forget to check out my facebook page

One thought on “Morning Madness Made Over – Create an ACTION STATION!

  1. Oh man, that is one impressive storage system. That would be perfect in my front hallway, though I think it’s a bit narrow. I’ll have to think on it. At the moment our mornings are pretty cruisey, only two early starts for Kinder and only one of them requires lunch. It also helps that it’s only Miss Five who needs to take anything with her, as long as Miss Three and are I dressed we’re ready to go. She and I have breakfast after kinder drop off when the house is quiet. The kinder bag currently lives on a hook on the bedroom door with hat/beanie and drink bottle in there. Then all I need to add is the lunch box or piece of fruit depending on the day. Next year when school starts however, it’s going to be a whole new ball game.

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